I used 256 color Wood.iff to make this scene. It's a bit big to DL via internet, so just convert the Woods.jpg to 256 color Woods.iff in photoshop to save memory in LW.
Render - F9
In case you wonder why the BG object looks square here, we will zoom in a bit later...
Load Woods.iff. In the Surfaces panel, select
surface BG color texture, and apply Woods.iff to it with automatic sizing
and Z axis. Disable pixel blending and texture anti-aliasing. Set Luminosity
to 100%, and Diffuse to 0%.
Now let's do the easiest possible chromey surface for the ship:
Select Craft01 surface. Set Diffuse to 0%, and Reflectivity to 100%.
In the reflection options panel set the reflection type to reflection map, and select Woods.iff as the reflection image.
Surprisingly good, isn't it?
Well, this is an easy background - almost all outdoor photos make decent reflection maps as is. Also, as the weather here is overcast, there's no need for specular highlights, other than what's there because of the reflection map.
What i would usually do for the refmap would be retouching it in Photoshop so that it's seamless - we will get into that technique later. Also I would prolly change it's aspect ratio to 2 X 1 Y. but this looks OK for now.
Our Craft looks like a miniature now. Why? Well the first thing that gives the illusion away, is that there's a tree in the right side of the BG image - and it's behind our ship. So - it must be closer than the tree - and therefore it can't be big.
Yeah! Logical!
So - it should be behind the tree? But it's a flat photo? Can we do that?
Sure we can.
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