Entry #10
Filename: Vaguero.jpg
Created by: Andrés Rocha
E-Mail: ca-rocha@uniandes.edu.co
Web-Site: ???
Artist's Comments
A Rusty Cowboy
The image was created in LW as a test of a rust shader plugin i'm writing that is supposed to be faster that the natural
shader that comes with the original program. Also i used HV for the cloud and clipped the borders and added the copyright notice and
watermark in Photoshop. The original render was in print resolution as I intented to do so and I took about and hour and a half in
my old but cute P100 with 16 Ram. The cowboy was taken from the LW cd, so the scene was made in a few minutes, but I've been working
on that shader for about a month now. This is my first entry in a contest of this nature. I hope you people like it.
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